We worry too much, don’t we? “What happened yesterday?”, “What will happen tomorrow?” “Why me?” In the “Whats” and “Whys” of our life, we are losing precious time of today. Yesterday is the history, tomorrow is the mystery but today is a gift, that’s why it’s called present. There is a very fine line of division between worrying and reflection. It is definitely good to go back in past and remember the moments of delight and happiness. Reflection is when I am free from the negative effects of past and I only ponder on memories which are good. This brings us to worry versus reflection. Worrying is when you dwell in ugly past and express remote over things you cannot change, feel the pain of yesteryears and get bitter. You know it is not useful but you like to do that because you are so much blinded by your habits. To think something negative also sometimes gives a pleasant feeling, isn’t it? The times are changing. Global warming, nuclear weapons and natural calamities are incr...