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Showing posts from January, 2020

Demystifying The 4:00 am Morning Routine

What happens when you get up early? That’s a question I have researched many times. I like getting up early and knowing that it does good for my body & mood; I get that extra strength to keep this habit. In this article, I explore some of the deeper mysteries of how the mind works when it is activated earlier than usual. Hope you feel as inspired reading it as much as I loved writing it. Making the morning routine To those who can get up early without setting alarm, I say you are blessed. Not many have that much of control over the self. To me, the greatest thing that made me develop this habit was reframing my idea of it. I had tried everything. From putting up a running gear in bed for the morning to setting puzzles as the alarm on the phone, I did it all. Some days I got up before the alarm even rang, but other days were a pain. I slogged out of bed, put down the alarm, and slept again. The intoxicating morning sleep had me in its ever-long grasps. Every night I wo

10 Commandments to Be Happy

Thou shall always give. If you have nothing else, give peaceful vibrations. Thou shall smile at atleast five strangers every day. Before thou sleep at night, thou shall spend 10 minutes in deep breathing. Thou shall make an effort to contact those with whom you aren’t on speaking terms at least once an year. On festivals/birthdays/important days, thou shall call friends/family members and wish them personally instead of sending a WhatsApp message. Thou shall not lie or take advantage of any person/position. Thou shall not corrupt your mind with wasteful thoughts that drain energy.  Thou shall learn to identify your negative emotions – irritability, anger, hatred, jealously, indifference and offer yourself for redemption to the higher power. Thou shall walk/tender to plants/play with pets/jog/run/dance/workout/play thrice a week for 20 minutes.  Thou shall cooperate with/extend help to at least one person every day.

Spirituality Quotes to Live By

Spirituality is more than religion. It is about knowing the Self, God and Time. Understanding the life journey is an interesting aspect. With its many ups and downs, adventures, and incredible memories, life takes us through experiences that make us who we are.  And if you’re looking to find just the right words to express what spirituality means to you or are looking for the perfect spiritual quotes about life journey, inspirational spiritual quotes, beautiful spiritual quotes, spiritual quotes about love, spiritual wisdom quotes, daily spiritual quotes, spiritual quotes about god or spiritual quotes about strength, this blog post has got you covered. Offbeat Spirituality has also a collection of stories/posts on understanding spirituality: New Year Resolution Ideas How to Manage Anger? Step Plan to Control Ego Positive Thinking & Meditation Being Like Water 1 Step Plan to Kill Arrogance Dealing with Criticism Top 50 Best Spiritual Quotes To Live By Spiritual Quotes

Why is Meditation Important?

How do you feel when your opinion is rejected? I get dejected. Even if I don’t want to fall in the trap of emotional anger, I still do. Then what follows is a series of self-improvement talks with self. I sit in meditation, emerge that person in front of me and try to give some of my positive energy. From where I started 10 years back, there is a lot of difference in the way I handle a conflict. But there’s a long way to go. And that’s why meditation is important to me.  "The more elevated thoughts you create, the more your value increases." Meditation has taught me self-control. It has given me the power not to spread negative emotions. If there’s a conflict, I try not to drag it beyond a point.  Meditation for is a transformative power which makes living better. It is not just about sitting on a floor and concentrating hard on a single point, but being aware about everything. It is the most direct way to generate intimacy with your own thoughts, cultivating deepe

Finding Your Calm: Why Inner Peace in Important

A man asks a monk if attaining inner peace was possible.  The monk smiles, and asks him to get water to drink first from a nearby river. The man obeys but when he reaches the river he notices that carts have passed through it which has made water muddy and undrinkable. He goes back to monk empty-handed. The monk asks him to wait for some time before going back and checking if mud has settled. The man does the same. He goes back after an hour and is surprised to see that water’s turbulence has settled and its surface can be seen clearly. He takes some of it back for the monk to drink. The monk smiles and shares the learning – when you let it be; the disturbance settles on its own! Your mind is just like that. When it gets anxious, let it be. Don’t interfere or reason with it. Just give it time to calm down on its own while you harvest the peace that it comes with. When there is peace inside you, it spreads to the outside.  Your vibrations start filling the atmosphere with tranquil

How To Make New Year Different: Why Will Power Matters