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Showing posts from October, 2019

7 Step Plan to Sleep Right

Is there a way to get food sleep? What makes the body sleepy? Thoughts? Actions? Worries?  For long, I have struggled to find the right balance between daily schedule and sleeping on time. My next day depends on a good night sleep. No good sleep, no high energy the next day. I have a ritual. I follow it everyday, and on the rare days i don't, the guilt of breaking the discipline makes it hard to concentrate on anything else. So here's my 7 step sleeping plan and I hope it helps you as much as it helps me.  How to sleep right Step 1:  Workout: Run, jog, walk, do yoga, aerobics, zumba, boxing, learn martial arts, pick weights or participate in strength training - do something everyday without fail. Exercise brings a natural rthym to body. It releases good harmones, encourages flexibily of muscles and makes sure the blood flow is better, not to mention tires the body so that it can get a good sleep.  How to sleep right Step 2: Have early dinner. Most Indians aren't used to eat