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Showing posts from August, 2018

3 Step Plan to Control Ego

This Monday, I had an argument with the guy who washes our car. Though my point of rebuking him was valid, letting the disagreement go out of hand wasn’t. It took me almost half a day to bring my mind to calm & another two days to pacify my maid, since he came from her reference. And that was after I call myself a spiritual, level-headed person. It was a small test of my control over words, and I blew it. This small incident opened my eyes to the biasness that we have towards our own thoughts – ego, in other words. Years of doing regular meditation has brought it down to some level, but it still exists. The spiritual idea of knowing myself as a whole, and finding different (more positive) part of personality needs more practice. The self-important, self-centric part of doesn’t need to be destroyed. It just needs to be understood, and used only in the times of criticality. Keeping in mind the delicate balance this task requires, here are my three points of action: 1.