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Showing posts from May, 2010

Principles of positive thinking:

1. The foundation of positive thinking is to have self-respect and to be contented. 2. Self-respect in positive thinking means to be assertive and to set boundaries about what is acceptable and what is not. 3. The aim of positive thinking is to reach a stage of neutrality where your mind is purely positive because your thoughts are completely free from the opposition or resistance of negativity. 4. Positive thinking is about seeing the negative for what it is and thereby neutralizing its power over you. If you don’t identify the negativity clearly, then you are influenced by it. 5. Positive thinking is the consistent refusal to engage in projection. That means to refuse to project onto others the lures and entrapments of negative which lurk in your inner world. It also means that you refrain from seeing the world through rose coloured glasses and getting dazzled and impressed. Projection distorts your perception and skews your vision of the world. 6. Positive thinking is ...

Why Birthdays Are a Big Deal?

People throw birthday parties, like to go out, shop, eat and have fun on their birthdays. Yes, it is the day they were born but what’s the big deal about it? Why can’t we be so cheery all the days in the year? Why do we need a special occasion for celebration? How about making your whole life special? How about having a vision for the entire humankind and contributing into it daily through good wishes? How about leaving our meanness and extending our love to others selflessly? How about picking up the phone and calling your estranged sibling, with whom you haven’t spoken in the years and pretend that things are okay? Why do we have limited visions, I don’t understand. Why we find it easy to talk to people sitting thousands of miles away from us on Facebook but have cold-wars at home? Life doesn’t need to be so complicated. We don’t have to be afraid because someone will snub us. We just have to be powerful enough to make our happiness becomes contagious. And that’s what I am goi...

When The Going Gets Tough The Tough Gets Going

Truly admire these words. Life is full of struggles. We can either sit back and let them take their toll on us or do take an action so that they feel weaken. Somehow, the second choice suits me more. Every day I get up, I only have one thought in mind – “How to make today a better day than yesterday?” and so, I navigate my ideas to push me in doing something different at every moment, so as to ensure that things always look bright and different. Life is a hungry beast. It is going to eat us up if we don’t do something about it. So, if you ever feel low, remember - when the going gets tough the tough gets going.

Patience – The Biggest Virtue

Slow but the steady one always wins. Success is not the result of how fast or shrewd you are, but how diligently you work. We have got so much used to thinking that everything should happen fast. Even with little on our part, we expect high results. Isn’t it easy to say that “you didn’t work according to what I told you”, rather than “I am sorry, I realise that I didn’t explain things properly to you”. Since impatience is so deeply rooted in us, we just can't wait and therefore jump to conclusions and react immediately without understanding the problem. Thus we find it difficult to experience success in whatever we do. So what’s the solution? The understanding starts with the fact when we realise that fruits of seeds that we sow in will come at their own time. This will give you the patience to wait without expecting results too fast. And it’s the patience that will let you stay calm even in the most negative/adverse situations.