1. The foundation of positive thinking is to have self-respect and to be contented. 2. Self-respect in positive thinking means to be assertive and to set boundaries about what is acceptable and what is not. 3. The aim of positive thinking is to reach a stage of neutrality where your mind is purely positive because your thoughts are completely free from the opposition or resistance of negativity. 4. Positive thinking is about seeing the negative for what it is and thereby neutralizing its power over you. If you don’t identify the negativity clearly, then you are influenced by it. 5. Positive thinking is the consistent refusal to engage in projection. That means to refuse to project onto others the lures and entrapments of negative which lurk in your inner world. It also means that you refrain from seeing the world through rose coloured glasses and getting dazzled and impressed. Projection distorts your perception and skews your vision of the world. 6. Positive thinking is ...
Offbeat Spirituality is a meditationer's thoughts on meditation, rajyoga, mindfulness, spirituality and everything in between!