Metal level is the foundation of your intelligence quotient. It is all about your capabilities as a human being, your strengths and weaknesses. Next one, social level constitutes our communication with the rest of the world in general.
The fourth level – spiritual is totally neglected. We are so tied up with the first three levels of interaction that most of us do not even realise that the intellect inside us has its own needs. Spiritual quotient is used to judge this realization and on the basis of it, the ‘humanity’ factor in you can be determined.
‘Humanity’ is one of the most confused words in today’s language. For most of us, it means helping others in any way we can. To be of assistance is certainly good but where is the compassion? For others as well as for self? Aren’t most of our actions are driven by the perception that others have about us?
You see, we human beings have fallen to such a level of deteriotiation that self interest has become the biggest thing. You may care about global warming, wars, terrorisms but if you are not caring for your parents and family selflessly then your living is a waste.
And this, my friends, is what spiritual quotient teaches us.
Anirudh Kumar Satsangi, B.Sc., M.A. (Psychology), B.Ed., Advanced Dip. in Management