Sunday, May 29, 2011

Kasab - Our National Guest

Mumbai attacks, The Burning Taj and Kasab
Our national guest - Ajmal Amir Kasab has turned 2 in our custody. People celebrate birthdays but we will celebrate this anniversary by opening our borders, by applauding our enemies and by sending a lists of wanted terrorists to our dear neighbour, most of whom are already with us. 

Well folks, that's India. We'll keep Ajmal Amir Kasab as our guest. Who cares if he killed people. They get killed everyday. India loves you darling. Our slogan is - "Atithi Devo Bhava". Your stay expenses are on us. Please eat, sleep and live a relaxed life. After all, how many of your brothers get a chance to shed innocent blood?

Kasab ji and his wishes

 India is a rich state. We have given you lawyer for free. We will give you all the comforts till you live. We don't have money to feed our own people but don't worry. You are our nation's priority so we give you security which is more than what 99% of Indians & foreigners get. India is a big country and we have other problems, so please sit on a high chair and we promise never to hang you in public. Ever!

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