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How to Calm Yourself

Finding moments of calm and inner peace has become essential for overall well-being. The practice of meditation has gained popularity as an effective means of achieving this tranquility. One unique approach to meditation is Rajyoga, which promotes offbeat spirituality and connects individuals with their inner selves. 

The Importance of Meditation

Meditation is an ancient practice that dates back thousands of years and has been embraced by various cultures and religions. It involves training the mind to focus and redirect thoughts, leading to a heightened sense of awareness, self motivation and a deep state of relaxation. Numerous studies have demonstrated the benefits of regular meditation, such as reduced stress, improved emotional well-being, enhanced concentration, and increased self-awareness. In our fast-paced society, where stress, anxiety, and distractions are prevalent, meditation serves as a powerful tool to help individuals regain control over their thoughts and emotions. By practicing meditation, one can learn to stay present in the moment, accept things as they are, and cultivate a sense of inner peace even amidst external challenges. 

Rajyoga: An Offbeat Approach to Spirituality

Rajyoga is an ancient meditation practice that originated in India. Unlike traditional forms of meditation, Rajyoga emphasizes a unique approach to spirituality that seeks to establish a direct connection between the individual soul and the Supreme Soul (often referred to as God or the Divine). This connection is believed to foster spiritual growth, inner strength, and a sense of purpose in life.

 In Rajyoga, meditation is not seen as an escape from reality but rather a way to engage with it more deeply. By acknowledging the eternal nature of the soul and its relationship with the Divine, practitioners of Rajyoga strive to embody virtues such as love, peace, and compassion. This offbeat spirituality encourages individuals to move away from external rituals and dogmas, and instead, explore their inner self for genuine transformation. 

Learning Meditation: A Personal Journey

Embarking on a meditation journey with Rajyoga and offbeat spirituality requires dedication, patience, and an open mind. The following steps can guide you in establishing a regular meditation practice:

  • Embarking on a meditation journey with Rajyoga and offbeat spirituality requires dedication, patience, and an open mind. The following steps can guide you in establishing a regular meditation practice:
  • Set a Regular Schedule: Dedicate a specific time each day to practice meditation. Consistency is key to reaping the full benefits of meditation.
  • Adopt a Comfortable Posture: Sit in a posture that allows you to stay relaxed yet alert. You can sit cross-legged on the floor, use a meditation cushion, or sit on a chair with your feet flat on the ground.
  • Focus on Breath: Begin by paying attention to your breath. Observe the inhalation and exhalation without trying to control it. This simple act helps calm the mind and brings you into the present moment.
  • Listen to meditation Commentary: In Rajyoga, meditation commentaries are often used to give a direction of thoughts to the mind.
  • Embrace Silence: As thoughts arise, let them come and go without judgment. Return your focus to the effect of meditational thoughts.
  • Gradual Progression: Start with short meditation sessions and gradually increase the duration as you become more comfortable with the practice.
  • Seek Guidance: If you find it challenging to meditate on your own, consider joining a meditation group or seeking guidance from a qualified meditation teacher.


In conclusion, meditation is an invaluable practice for cultivating inner calm, self-awareness, and spiritual growth. The unique approach of Rajyoga and offbeat spirituality, with its emphasis on establishing a connection between the individual soul and the Divine, offers a transformative path to inner peace. By incorporating meditation into our daily lives, we can navigate the challenges of the modern world with greater resilience and find solace in our journey of self-discovery.

Remember, meditation is a personal journey, and it may take time to experience its full benefits. Patience, perseverance, and an open heart are essential as you embark on this path to inner tranquility and spiritual awakening.


Sharat said…
Calming oneself is an essential skill for maintaining emotional balance and well-being. When faced with stress, anxiety, or challenging situations, taking a moment to calm yourself can help you think more clearly and respond in a composed manner. Techniques such as deep breathing, mindfulness, and progressive relaxation can be powerful tools in achieving this calm state. It's important to remember that calming oneself is not about suppressing emotions but rather about acknowledging and managing them effectively. By developing this skill, you empower yourself to navigate life's ups and downs with greater resilience and a sense of inner peace.

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