Saturday, February 19, 2011

Is Facebook Worth $67.5 Billion?

Some say Facebook is worth much more than $67 billion. Facebook is no longer just a social networking site; it is steadily becoming a better way to search the internet. Last night, I was desperately trying to find a phone number for an art gallery. I checked Google, Yahoo, Ask, Bing, Delhi Buzz and couple of other websites but nowhere I could find the right info. Also, the art gallery's own website was down. Finding myself out of options, I tried out Facebook. The art gallery did have its own Facebook page, and not only they had listed the correct phone number, but it also had the information I was looking for. I did not even have to call the gallery. Basically, the old www. internet is broken and outdated. There was a gigantic need for a more organized/easy way to access the right information on the internet and Facebook was the answer.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Is Skill On War?

I met a group of entrepreneurs last week, all gathered to talk about building a more civilized work place. During the course of our conversation, almost all of them emphasized that much more important than building teams is to retain them. 

Skill sells like hot cake in today’s job market and even though it is nonsense, the war of talent has become time-consuming. For someone eager to win the “war of skills”, two lessons can define the whole strategy:

Do not believe in single superstars – because all of them can perform – seriously. Just give them time, space and confidence.

Create systems that are greater than people - because even the most talented person can fail in a bad system, and seemingly mediocre individuals can become shining stars in a great system.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Art of Detachment

Almost a year ago, on a flight from Maldives to New Delhi, I surprisingly found myself sitting next to my ex-colleague who looked seemingly pleasant carrying her two year old son. We had an exciting exchange of ‘who is where and doing what’, shared a few details of what we have been doing over the past five years and how life has changed for both of us. After an hour of conversation, I reached for my book signaling the 'let’s take a break from talking and do something productive with time' kind of look. But she failed to take the hint. Instead of winding down gracefully, she went on telling me how her life is evolving around her baby, how she has been managing everything on her own and remains so busy that she can’t even answer phone calls. The monologue lasted for the entire journey and gave the co-passengers headache for a day.

So strong was her wave of ‘I should tell everything’ that she cleared her mind with a pressure. There were times when I tried to stop her but she kept cutting me short, so I just let her continue. Till now I can’t forget her stressed face.

Sometimes we get consumed by our work (taking care of home in this case) so much that we simply forget there is life after that. We are not the only ones living, working, having children, maintaining a standard of living. Countless people have done that before and will keep on doing all the work they can patiently. For most of us, life has become a compilation of activities and when we find that rare window of undivided attention, the opportunity is grabbed instantly to tell what all we have been doing.

Attaching ourselves to the work brings ego (I did right; you should have done it that way, why should I always suffer?) and hinders our self-growth. Whenever you find yourself in a situation where you are describing what you do, always stay honest. Remind yourself that your identity is bigger than your work, take time to refresh your mind frequently and stay healthy by doing exercise. 

In short - speak less; practice the art of detachment more.

Finding Peace in the Ever-Changing Flow of Life

Life is a continuous flow of experiences—joyful, sorrowful, uplifting, and challenging. However, one undeniable truth stands firm amidst it ...