From the experiences of elders I have learnt that learning from mistakes is important to stay vibrant, otherwise a human being becomes stale. It is not the sign of wisdom if a person doesn’t understand the significance of lessons of life. A weakness that most people have is that they don’t analyse situations from analytical blend of mind.
To let go your past and to see every day as a new day, you need to spend some time with yourself – not to count how much you earned or what good/bad happened during the day, but to analyse how is each day helping you to become a better person.
To let go your past and to see every day as a new day, you need to spend some time with yourself – not to count how much you earned or what good/bad happened during the day, but to analyse how is each day helping you to become a better person.
‘Conversation with self’ reduces stress drastically as it gives you a chance to see an open door of opportunity that you would have otherwise missed. Today can be the first day of your new life; you can shine with all your might – it’s all about choice.
And yes it is nice to have some time alone because you have more time to analyze, reflect and meditate on your life. It relaxes me more because I can truly see what aspects in my life I have to focus on. And it is nice to decide what is best for your own.