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‘Miracles do happen’

Do you believe in miracles? Have you seen hostile situations completely taking a 'U' turn in your favour? I have - not because my work never gets struck but because I believe in 'happy go lucky' attitude.

Being lucky is not like a divine interference in all your works so that your life moves smoothly; it is a feeling that I can do anything. How would you feel if somebody does a forecast for you that 7 years down the life you will be a much successful person in personal and professional life, you'll have more comforts, healthier relationships, better equipped to handle tough days – you’ll instantly feel relaxed knowing that your future is secure.

My point is: ‘forget about tomorrow’ – enjoy your today, do every chore with responsibility and spread the positivity around. If your today is good, tomorrow will definitely be better. Let go of your stress and feel free.

People worry so much about the future that they forget to enjoy the present. Whatever you desire, you will get it - simply focus on what you are doing now. See every setback as a stepping stone and every problem as a blessing in disguise. Contrary to what critics might say, these are NOT corny aphorisms. They are timeless truths of humanity. (And critics are just people too scared to grow their dreams anyway - pay no attention to them. Our world today needs people lifting each other up rather than those who put others down).


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